Sunday, July 10, 2011

What would you pack?

I am leaving for Africa in less than six weeks. Not just for a two-week vacation, but moving back, taking up Kenyan residence and planning to stay for three years.

So that means packing. My wife has put out an open action-packer (Rubbermaid container, the perfect maximum size for allowable plane luggage) to periodically add the things we think of that we want to take along....Must have books from a crammed bookshelf, my favorite high-tech flashlight, a new pair of running shoes for my wife, her must-have brand of hairspray (unavailable in Kenya), and American stamps for mail we send back to the US with visitors.

That made me start thinking. What would you pack if you could only take one suitcase (let's say, other than needed clothes) and you were leaving for a long, long time to a place far, far away without a lot of American "stuff."

What would you pack?


jel said...

I would pack my fave pillow, blanket,and some pictures

Mocha with Linda said...

Salsa. Gotta take a piece of Texas!

And books. And my favorite kitchen utensils. I have a hand-held can opener I really like.

Buckaroosmom said...

that would hafta be my grandchildren, but they would hafta be folded very carefully!