Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Finishing the task of the Great Commission

I am taking a great class at a local seminary: Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. Some stats from my most recent class last night really made me think.

Did you know that right now in the world we have 1000 churches for every one unreached people group? (An unreached people group is a population of people bound by the same ethnicity and commonly location who do not have an established Christian church that can do the work of evangelizing their own people--a much more efficient effort than cross-cultural evangelism).

Wow. 1000:1. Can you imagine if say only 10% of these churches took the Great Commission seriously enough to send a missionary? That would mean 100 new missionaries reaching out to every unreached people group.

Almost makes it sound doable, doesn't it?

Check out for more information about unreached people groups.

Why not bring this information to your congregation and discuss the challenge of adopting an unreached people? Then pray, send, and GO!

Harry Lee

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