Monday, March 30, 2009

Salty Like Blood- Launch experiment

OK, a HUGE thank you to those of you who purchased my new novel from on the launch day, March 24. Did it work? Only time will tell if it has a lasting result. Over the short term, here's what happened. At five o'clock, "Salty Like Blood" was ranked over 11,000. By a little after six, it had climbed as high as 133!

There are so many amazon categories. In the religious/mystery book category, the only book ahead of mine was "The Shack." No surprise there. The Shack has been an amazing seller for months now. In the Thriller/medical category, "Salty Like Blood" came in at number two behind "Scarpetta," a novel by Patricia Cornwell. Again, I'm in great company. In the literature/medical, I came in at number two right behind Jodi Picoult's new novel, "Handle With Care."

In the end, my hope is that my readers are challenged by the underlying theme of forgiveness, and amazon numbers can never measure that.

For those of you who participated in the "hour-buy" off amazon, your free books should have arrived by now.

Have a great day!


Mocha with Linda said...

My book from you came this weekend, as did Salty Like Blood. Can't wait to read them both!!

jel said...

sounds like it was a very good hour!

I would say ya r in very good company!

"THE SHACK" was an waycool read!

Story and Logic Media Group said...

Too bad I didn't find your blog sooner!

KJ said...

looks like i am 3 weeks too late....bummer. i have most of your books in my library, so that i can read them over and over again. just wanted to say that as i was reading i was mostly intrigued by your experiences in Kenya! My husband and i have been missionaries in Japan for nearly 20 years now. here it is Easter weekend and would you believe that i was depressed today. i finally figured out why. out of all of the people who will be at church tomorrow (maybe 20-25), we were probably the only ones actively preparing for Easter today. and it was a long day. sometimes it's easy to get discouraged when you feel like you're just spinning your wheels. anyway, these feelings come and go, but i am still confident that i am where God wants me to be.

you were talking about whether or not God is calling you back to Kenya. i really struggled with that whole issue when my husband and i first met as Bible College students. i was waiting for my "lightening bolt", i guess. he had already been to japan on a short term and was convinced that God was calling him back. i prayed and prayed, but just couldn't quite figure it all out. That year I was able to attend the Urbana Missions Conference and one of the speakers was Elizabeth Elliot Gren. I can't even remember what she specifically said, I just know that God spoke to me. He told me that He had called M., my future husband, to Japan, and through calling me to be his wife, He was also calling me to Japan. That was just what I needed to hear. I thought I wanted to become a nurse and serve in South America or somewhere. But God knew that my gifts and abilities would be far more useful in Japan. I remember driving down the street one day during our first term of service and just beginning to weep as I passed by one person after another and realized that their eternal destination was almost certainly not heaven (here the percentage of Christians is 1/2 of 1%). I was just flooded with peace as I realized that there was nowhere in the world that I would rather have been at that point in time. I still feel that way, twenty years later.

however, i totally understand your concern for your wife and son and the fact that they have seemingly readjusted well to being back in the USA. being a missionary is definitely not for the faint of heart. but the rewards are so worth it. having said that though, i know it isn't for everyone. I will definitely be keeping you and your family in my prayers.

i'm so glad that your book PR experiment seemed to have turned out well. i will look forward to picking up a copy at some point.